People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.
Rule 2
Tag 6 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tag by continuing this game by sending it to other people.
1. Do you have secrets?
Tak de, semua rahsia
2. Would you fall in love with a guy/gurl younger than you?
setakat ini, tak pernah lagi tak muda. Kecuali Ai Takahashi
3. Do you enjoy going to college?
Mesti la. Pastu Kolej tukar jadi Universiti
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Simpan buat pergi Mekah
5. Will you fall in love with your friend?
I will. Pesal lak tak buleh. Tapi kawan perempuan la. Jangan harap nak jatuh cinta dengan kawan laki. Merbahaya ( Mana ada kata imbuhan mer-)
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Being Loved by someone la. Senang cite. Baru keluar ego lelaki
7. List 5 current favourite songs:(for now)
wonder girl - nobody
morning musume - resonant blue
orange range - shanghai girl
Harry Gregson Williams - Metal Gear Solid Main Theme
To be continue
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Owh, saya duduk diam buat tak tahu. Lalala ~~
9. List 5 favorite TV shows
gossip girl
transformer the animated
10. Do you have any regrets?
Mane ade. Ibarat kata-kata pujangga Nik Hasby " Let Gone be By Gone"
11. Would you be the person that you are if you were to be reborn?
People dont change kata Dr House
12. What do you want the most at the moment?
Duit..bila ada duit boleh aku beli transformer, komik, upgrade PC dan almari.
13. What kind of person do you think the person that tagged you is?
Dia tag aku ke? Mane ade. Aku merelakan diri untuk membuat ini semua.
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
Single and Rich. Go go go Giants
15. What is your favourite color?
Tiap-tiap tahun saya tukar warna favorite saya. Tapi asas die mesti la berlandaskan warna pelangi. Cokelat ada dalam warna Pelangi x?
16. Would you give all in for a relationship?
Mesti. Payah nak mencari The Ones nie
17. If you fall in love with two persons simultaneously, which one would you choose?
Semua dan kalau tambah 2 lagi buleh tak?
18. What are the top 5 bands that you listen to or love?
Morning Musume kire band tak?
Wonder Girl pun same?
Linkin Park
Orange Range
Tah ler. Aku prefer Solo. Tak suke band-band ni. Pasal aku tak reti main gitar dan malu untuk mengetuk drum
19. Name 3 things you would like to do but never able to.
Ketuk meja di parlimen sampai pecah
Berlawan bersama-sama Megatron membunuh Bumble Bee. Dan mengajak Brawl masuk team saya.
Berlari selaju yang mungkin seperti Sena EyeShield 21.
20. People I have tagged
Ikut sape-sape la. Aku malas nak pikir. Tapi rase nye nak tag
Semua kawan Gforum aku.
p/s: Entri pantas. Malam kang update lagi.
aiseh..laki logikla kalau tamak..ske pasang 2...sbbquota ade 4....ape kisah kn?
tul..tapi sekadar soklan. mulut menjawap.di hati mane la tahu.
xsangke encik darkk ske lagu Wonder Girls..hehe..lagu tell me pon best juge, kan2..
auw..saya suka amat lagu nobody tu..
time bangun pagi saya mesti pasang..
tak dengar tak lengkap idup..
tell me pun best..tapi tak leh lawan nobody
huhu...wa..bgn tido trus dgr... nape pg2 tu, nobody kat umah darkk.. huhuhu
resonant blue!
cry cry dont cry!
ko ade kat gforum...
ah, xde lah..tarian mereka membuat saya ceria di pagi hari..hihi
auww..ya.resonant blue..tapi sayang saya terdelete VC dia..
yup..saya berasal dari gforum..
merantau ke mane2 forum yg len..
aiseh aku pun kena tag :3
welcome to Wondergirls! aku tak tau ko minat dengan wondergirl xD
Lagu nobody memang best, sampai mak dan abang aku terpengaruh dengan gaya tarian <3
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